Organize for Back to School

Jun 26, 2017 | Organization, Uncategorized

And just like that, it’s time to get ready for school again. In order to make the transition from summer to back to school here are some ways to stay organized. With these ideas you can find the perfect way to get your kids back in the swing of things for the new school year with the least resistance.

Create a Homework Center

  • Using a serving tray or basket and fill with the necessary supplies to complete homework. Include items such as paper, pencils, crayons, markers, glue, calculator and other supplies
  • Place in a location where your child can focus and complete their homework in an unobstructed area but is accessible so that if your students requires help they can ask for it

Have a Weekly/ Monthly Calendar

  • Color code activities for each person in the home
  • Place in a centrally located area where everyone can see it
  • Keep updated with most recent information

Snack Organization

  • Use bins in either the fridge or pantry
  • Pantry snacks could include granola bars, crackers, fruit snacks, cereal bars, or cookies
  • Fridge snacks could include washed and separated fruits and vegetables, dip/ hummus, string cheese, yogurt pouches or water/juice

Making Mornings Easier

  • If your child has difficulties deciding what to wear daily, have your child select their clothes to wear the Sunday before the school week.
  • Place in a chest of drawers or a hanging organizer labeled with days of the week

Being prepared makes daily routines easy and run smoothly.

Frustrated with the idea of helping your child organize their room? We are glad to help! One of our organizers will help them set up a functional space to help them work more efficiently so they can be more successful in school, get more sleep and have a little time to be a kid. Call 909-307-4862 to book your session!