How to Organize Your Kitchen Cabinets

Jan 15, 2016 | Organization, Uncategorized

Cooking can be fun and easy if your kitchen cabinets are organized! When cabinet shelves are de-cluttered, it’s easy to find the pots and pans you need, making your time in the kitchen more productive and enjoyable.
    PURGE – Go through each cabinet and pull out items you no longer need. Place them in a box to donate or sell.
    CLEAN – Take everything off the shelves so you can wipe them down with a clean washcloth.
    ORGANIZE – Categorize items by function before putting them back on the shelf. Place glasses between the dishwasher and the sink. Put pots and pans near the stove. This will create a more efficient, organized kitchen.
    MAINTAIN – As soon as the dishes are clean, put them away in their proper spots. It might take a little extra time, but will help you maintain the hard work you’ve done.

After you’ve finally met your organizing goals in this often cluttered area, put your feet up and take a break before next week’s tough-to-tackle project – The living room! And remember, if you feel overwhelmed with any tasks, please contact us to assist you. We’re always ready to help.
Also, don’t forget to post photos of your newly clean kitchen on Twitter using the hashtag #SimplifyIn40Days, and on our Facebook page.
Until next week, happy organizing!